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Key dates over December 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 0

28th December 1918 - General Election results – A Coalition Victory

Rolling casualty count:11583

War Front:

2nd Batt: The GCC 33rd Division presented medal ribbons at 1100 hours. The inspection was put off owing to the wet weather. Major Symons went to Brigade.

4th Batt: Capt.ER Smith was awarded the MC. 2Lt RH Warren MC, MM, was appointed Batt Education Officer. Baths allotted to Y Coy for 1½ hours.

14th Batt: 2Lt A Denham DCM, proceeded for duty with CRE (RN) Division.

Home Front:

General Election results – A Coalition Victory. In Worcester the result was known earlier than expected and this probably accounted for the relatively small number of people who gathered outside the Guildhall.

Sir Edward Goulding, Conservative and Unionist: 9243

Fairbairn, Liberal: 4589

Sir Edward Goulding expressed his thanks and said this was no ordinary election. It followed a far reaching Reform Bill in which women for the first time exercised their vote and individual soldiers as such voted.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team