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Key dates over January 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 4

11th January 1918 - Three Worcestershire Officers get Military Cross

Rolling casualty count: 8456

War Front:

1st Batt: Batt relieved by the 2nd Middlesex Reg and entrained at Wieltje Station for Brandhoek. Batt marched to Brake camp. 3 OR were wounded. 4 OR joined the Batt.

4th Batt: W and Y Coys practised bombing. Y and Z Coys did map reading and compass marching.

2/7th Batt: These officers reported for duty; Lt HS Smith from 4th Northants, 2Lt HC Horsfall, 2Lt LJ Finch, 2Lt Landreth and 2Lt Thomas from the 5th Worcs.

2/8th Batt: Batt marched in rain and snow to Voyennes and billeted in houses and barns. The following officers joined the Batt: 2 Lts Wells, Yardley, Turner, Swindell, Grainger, frost, Spenclayh, Allard, Ludlow, Adams, Jones, Lawrence and Rushton.

10th Batt: Batt proceeded to trenches in the right sub-sector, relieving the 9th Royal Lancs. 1OR was wounded.

Home Front:

War Honours: The following Officers of the Worcestershire Regiment have been awarded the Military Cross: Lieut. Edward Cecil Barton - Finding his company under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire from an enemy strong point, he led forward a party of ten men and captured the position, putting the gun out of action and killing the occupants. By his prompt and determined attack his company were enabled to consolidate their objective; Sec.-Lieut. Harold Brackenbury Bate – During a night attack on a farm he led his platoon with the greatest courage and determination. Although later he was badly wounded in both legs and his men compelled to retire, throughout the whole operation he set a splendid example of pluck under very heavy shell fire; Temp. Sec.-Lieut. Alfred Brewer – While relieving two companies on a defensive flank he and his company were subjected to very heavy shell fire, losing 50 per cent of their strength during the day. The personality and coolness of this officer during this very trying period were of the greatest value, and it was entirely due to him that the men were kept cheerful and ready for action under demoralizing conditions.

A Communal Kitchen in connection with the Malvern Food Economy Committee’s work, was opened at the Mission Room, Barnard’s Green, yesterday, when 80 children were provided with twopenny dinners.

Malvern Wells Women’s War Aid Association: During the past year about 1,140 articles of clothing, etc., have been made and distributed by this Association, bringing the total number since August, 1914, to over 7,000. The subscription list is less than in 1916, but this falling off is counter-balanced by the sum of £38 18s. presented by the Committee of the Lawn Tennis Club, to be expended for the benefit of the British Red Cross Society. This has been done, and grateful acknowledgments received from headquarters.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team