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Key dates over January 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 0

9th January 1918 - Call for the Arboretum to be put up as allotlments

Rolling casualty count: 8449

War Front:

2nd Batt: Major GJE Storey, MC ,took over command as Lt Col HC Weldon is to command the 2nd Leinsters. Half the Batt had baths.

3rd Batt: A thaw set in causing trenches to be very muddy.

4th Batt: X and Y Coys practised “attack under a barrage.” W and Z Coys did wiring.

2/7th Batt: Batt left Roye at 10am. Batt HQ plus C and D Coys marched 9 miles to Buny. A and B Coys marched to Croix Moligneux, 11 miles away. Capt WE Boucher ordered to England for duty with the Tank Corps.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: A programme of intensive training began. There was training of new drafts of officers and men in the handling of remounts.

Home Front:

To the Editor: Sir,- Now that the city and county are cooperating under the Land Cultivation Act, I suggest that the land in Sansome Walk (near St. Oswald’s) should be utilised for allotments in the interests of the men living in the Arboretum. A more suitable and convenient site could not be found, and it is impossible to put forward the plea that it is used as a pleasure ground. Great indignation prevailed last year owing to the omission of the Committee in not taking over the same, under the power delegated to them. It is earnestly requested that no further delay will arise, but that the land shall be used for productive purposes. WORKING MAN

Worcestershire Prisoners of War Fund: On Tuesday, at Bromsgrove Cattle Market, a sale was held on behalf of the above fund, the effort having been organised by the Bromsgrove Branch of the National Farmers’ Union. Large entries had been received, and the sale was organised by Mrs. H.W. Dixon. A “subscription” cow and calf, which was the first lot to be offered, was bought outright for £100, and realised a total sum for the funds of £260. Other entries also made good prices, and a substantial total was raised for the object in view

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team