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Key dates over January 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 1

28th January 1918 - Three thousand plus admitted as casual poor

Rolling casualty count: 8483

War Front:

2nd Batt: Batt entrained at Brandhoek for Wizernes. Men marched to billets in Leulines area.

4th Batt: one hundred men per Coy carrying screw Pickets and duck-boards to the Front line. More treatment for men's` feet.

10th Batt : One OR was wounded.

Home Front:

Accident: Last Thursday, Mrs. Lewis, of Astwood Road, while serving a child with sweets from a bottle, in consequence of the glass breaking, had the misfortune to cut an artery in her arm. Mr. G. Gordon, a neighbour, rendered aid, and with professional skill, stopped the bleeding. Mrs. Lewis was taken to the Infirmary, where she is progressing favourably. But for Mr. Gordon’s prompt attention she might have bled to death. Mr. W. Lewis wishes to express his gratitude to Mr. Gordon for his prompt and skilful attention.

In view of the short meat supplies of the past few weeks, it is assuring to know that the position will be a little easier this week. In the Cattle Market today there was an improvement in all classes of stock –cattle, sheep and pigs – and though not enough to gie each Worcester butcher the 50 per cent of his weekly Octobe supplies, the position is much better than last week. There were 45 fat cattle, as against 32 last week; 173 sheep as against 50; and 43 porks and bacons as against 14.

The quarterly meeting of the Worcestershire Wayfarers Relief Society was held at the Victoria Institute on Sunday…The summary of the number of admissions of casual poor and of food and way tickets issued during the quarter ended 31st December, 1917, showed that 3,318 persons had been relieved, compared with 6,794 for the corresponding quarter last year. The number of food tickets issued by the Unions was 1,553, the number produced to tradesmen 680, and the numberof casuals excused tasks as bona-fide work-seekers was 38.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team