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Key dates over November 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 0

23rd November 1918 - Impassioned appeal made for the punishment of the Kaiser

Rolling casualty count: 11539

War Front:

4th Batt: The march to the frontier continued and Batt marched to St Lambert through the Battlefield of Waterloo. Many photographs were taken of the Batt.

14th Batt: 2Lt AB Reynolds proceeded to a First Army Musketry Course.

Home Front:

The Food Controller gives notice that, in view of the largely increased supplies of apples which will shortly be available through importation, the present apple prices order will be superseded soon by an order controlling the price of all classes of apples. Under this new order the maximum shop price of apples, both imported and home grown, will probably not exceed but will not be less than 9d. per lb.

Sir Edward Goulding addressed a large meeting of electors at Wylds Lane Mission Hall. It was not the opening of his election campaign; he still spoke as City Member, and reviewed the achievements of our Navy and Armies, and the Government in securing victory, and made an impassioned appeal for the punishment of the Kaiser, and those associated with him in the responsibility for the war. Mr. W. Kilbourne Kay presided, and the attendance was representative of all classes of doctors. Mr. Kay, referring to the presence of the ladies, said they had done a splendid amount of work nationally and locally. He sincerely hoped that the time was not too far distant when we should see ladies in the House of Commons. They were better fitted than men to deal with such questions as housing and health. Other reforms which they would use their influence in bringing about were the alteration of the Illegitimacy Laws and the Divorce Laws, which were now one-sided and unfair to women. (Hear, hear.) Alluding to the fact that there were 6,000 women voters in the city, he asked them to organise in order to give effect to their views.

The Automobile Association is informed by the Petrol Controller that the concession permitting petrol license-holders on and after December 1 to use their vehicles of any type for all purposes within a radius of 30 miles of the place of residence or business of such license-holders will apply to motorists who do not hold current petrol licences. Petrol properly obtained and stored under old licences can be used in accordance with the new arrangements, but in those cases where petrol has not been obtained under license, it will be necessary to inform the Petrol Department how the fuel was obtained.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team