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Key dates over October 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 14

31st October 1918 - Battalion wins award for bayonet competition

Rolling casualty count: 11345

War Front:

2nd Batt: Batt carried out platoon attacks on a wide frontage as carried out in the new fighting. There was a hockey match between officers and COs resulting in a draw.

3rd Batt: Col Whalley resumed command of the Batt.

4th Batt: All signallers paraded under Sgt Sheasby. All Platoon Commanders attended a lecture by the Brigade Major on map reading and the use of compasses.

1/8th Batt: The Batt was successful in winning both Lord Cavan`s cups, one for Bayonet fighting and one for PT. The events had taken place in between fighting duties and D Coy had lost 2 members of their team. In the competitions, 168 teams had competed. Lord Cavan said the PT was worthy of a Public School Team.