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Key dates over June 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 6

13th June 1918 - A second inquest...

Rolling casualty count: 10045

War Front:

1st Batt: Batt did a route march to Sezanne and entrained.

2nd Batt: A conference was held at Batt HQ attended by officers, where the CO explained points for special care when Batt goes into the Line. 1 OR was wounded and 2 OR were gassed.

3rd Batt: The 7th Infantry Brigade moved back to relieve the 75th Infantry Brigade in Divisional Reserve, close to Neuve Eglise. Batt took over from 10th Cheshires.

4th Batt: Enemy machine guns and trench mortars active early am. Men wiring on the whole front, cutting down crops to clear the field of fire in support line.

Home Front:

It was reported that three young children had been received in the Workhouse. The mother was in the Worcester Infirmary, and would be detained there another fortnight. A daughter aged 15 was earning between £2 5s. and £2 7s. 6d per week on munitions, and when the mother was removed to the Infirmary the daughter went to live with some friends, and there was no alternative but to bring the three young children into the House. The woman received 7s. 6d per week as compensation for the loss of her husband in an accident, which was paid through the County Court.

The Medical Officer reported that patients on both sides of the Infirmary complained of not getting sufficient food. That applied more particulary to breakfast – the bread, porridge, and tea. The porridge was stated to be thin, lumpy, and tasteless, and many patients sent it away untouched. For some time no pudding had been served at the mid-day meal, and this they greatly missed, and that appeared to be unjustified. He recommended that the new dietary should be brought into operation as soon as possible. The House Committee reported that they were of opinion, from personal observation, that the porridge had been satisfactory, and they considered that the Medical Officer’s report must have been made without personal investigation, and the Committee considered the report was unjustified. The Chairman said that members thought that the porridge was excellent, not only well cooked, but of good quality. With regard to the new dietary, the doctor had power to put the patients on what dietary he thought proper.

Dog Case: James George Lucy, 17, Croft Villas, Severn Terrace, tailor, was fined 2s. 6d. for allowing his dog to stray into Copenhagen Street while not wearing the prescribed collar. Defendant did not appear, but sent an apology.

A second inquest was held at the Infirmary on the body of Daniel Davis (58), of Hylton Road, who was fatally injured in an accident on Worcester Bridge. The accident was described by William Harker. On Tuesday morning, when he was on the bridge, he saw Davis walking beside a dray loaded with manure. The reins were in his left hand, and when he got just on the bridge he slipped, falling beside the horse. The animal trod on him with his back legs, and the near front wheel of the dray went over his chest. The horse was then stopped by witness, and Albert Ellis, a haulier, of Moor Street, pulled the injured man from under the dray…From the beginning there was no chance of recovery. Death was caused by the injuries he received. The Jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death,” and expressed their sympathy with the family.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team