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Key dates over May 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 8

9th May 1918 - Lord Coventry to Open Public Gardens

Rolling casualty count: 9689

War Front:

1st Batt: Batt did route march to Courlandon and billeted there.

2nd Batt: Batt “Stood to” at 4.15am. One Coy reconnoitred the position of the defence system to the Front. The CO was organising the Batt to stand in Artillery Formation. A counter attack by French troops from the 19th Brigade restored the situation.

3rd Batt: Batt entrained at Wayenberg for the 9th Corps area and the 6th French Army.

4th Batt: Coy relieved the 11th AIF. Y Coy relieved Z Coy and W Coy went into support with 2 platoons in Petit Sec Bois Defences.

1/7th and 1/8th Batts: The 144th Brigade was relieved by the 145th brigade and moved back to Reserve at Granezza and Val di Sopra.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: There was a working party of 100 men to build and wire redoubts in the left sector.

Home Front:

Prisoners’ Of War Fund – The Providence Works concert party gave another concert at the Co-operative Hall. There was a capital attendance and judging by the numerous encores, the efforts of the artists were greatly enjoyed. The Chairman Mr W Smith, referred to the way in which the funds which had been collected for the soldiers and sailors at the works had been disposed of and hoped that the general fund would be supported generously. The works fund for the soldiers and sailors had been a tremendous success, for which they had to thank in no small degree Mr H Charles and Mr W Court for their untiring efforts.

Malvern Urban Council – Lord Coventry to Open Public Gardens – Mr Dyson Perrins presided at the monthly meeting on Tuesday and thanked the members for again electing him as Chairman. The Lord Lieutenant (Lord Coventry) had kindly agreed to open the Public Gardens at Rose Bank on Thursday May 16th and they hoped that Mr Stanley Baldwin M.P., would also be able to take part in the proceedings. Owing to the shortage of paper and labour, it was not proposed to issue personal invitations. The Gardens belonged to the community and he hoped the community would turn up.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team