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Key dates over April 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 40

13th April 1918 - UNION OF WOMEN WORKERS

Rolling casualty count: 9288

War Front:

Batt relieved by 2nd Northants in Support line. Batt billeted at south end of Heudicourt.

2nd Batt: Enemy attacked Neuve Eglise but ejected by a counter attack from C Coy in which 2Lt Green was killed and 2Lt Vernon was wounded. Batt HQ now in Mairie, Neuve Eglise. The enemy attacked again with a strong barrage and Cpts Peake and Matthews are missing

3rd Batt: Orders received from Brigade to the effect that in case of withdrawal, the Brigade would rendezvous at Mont de Lille. At midnight Batt withdrew and commenced march to Mont de Lille.

4th Batt: Severe fighting all round but no successful advance made. It was an anxious time with pressure on both flanks.

Home Front:

UNION OF WOMEN WORKERS – Branch Formed in Worcester – The Mayoress of Worcester (Mrs Arthur Carlton) presided over the inaugural meeting of the local branch of the National Union of Women Workers, held at the Guildhall on Monday. The Mayoress, in welcoming the N.U.W.W. to Worcester, remarked that if it was possible to form a branch it should be of a representative character and comprise all classes of the community. Amidst all the evils that had been brought about by the war there were one or two things that made for good and one undoubtedly was the levelling of class distinctions. She believed that when the war was over the men who had fought together against a common foe would find that they could work together on the same plane as friends and brothers when they came back. She asked women to follow the example of the men. The objects of the Union was to bring together on non-party, non-sectarian and on democratic lines, all women’ societies for fostering the sense of citizenship in women, encouraging interest in social, political and economic questions and securing the representation of the interests and experience of women in the affairs of the community.

WORCESTER QUARTER SESSIONS– NOT FIT TO PLEAD – The Easter Quarter Sessions were opened at Shirehall. John Bourne (52), miller, was charged with stealing a pair of boots and undervest and other articles at White Ladies Aston. Dr A Watson, Prison Surgeon, said he was of the opinion that prisoner was not fit to plead and was supported by Dr B Hartnell, who had examined prisoner in prison. Both doctors said that prisoner did not seem to realise his position. The Jury found that prisoner was not fit to plead and he was ordered to be detained at His Majesty’s pleasure

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team