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Key dates over March 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 1

1st March 1918 - Presentation to Mr. F. Topham

Rolling casualty count: 8524

War Front:

1st Batt: Batt billeted at Junction Camp. Working parties found daily in Rupprecht Keep and Grey Ruin.

2nd Batt: Batt in support at Seine.

3rd Batt: Batt in Achiel area in training.

4th Batt: Batt in Winnezeele area practicing the Brigade Tactical Scheme for attacking across open country, dotted with strong points and under a barrage. The whole operation was done twice.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: regiment at Deir el Belah in training

Home Front:

Food for the People: The Corporation have a quantity of good carrots for sale at 4s.6d. cwt., delivered in the City in lots of 1 cwt. Cash with order. T. Caink, City Engineer, Guildhall.

To Bomb All Germany: Mr. Whitehead, the aircraft-maker, on Thursday said we were going to have thousands of aeroplanes built and bomb every square yard of German territory. Events have proved that if, three years ago, the Government had voted a few millions for building aeroplanes we should have finished the war long ago.

Presentation to Mr. F. Topham: In recognition of the courteous and considerate way in which he had managed the late Mrs. Wheeley Lea’s Northwich Hall Estate for the past 17 years, the tenants and a number of friends recently made him a presentation consisting of a handsome Worcester porcelain vase. Several of the subscribers expressed to Mr. Topham their appreciation of his services and referred to the cordial relations which had always existed between the estate management and themselves. They also expressed pleasure that, although he was no longer the manager of the estate (which has been broken up), he would still remain with them, having taken over a portion of the estate to farm himself. The presentation took place at his new home, Brockley, Claines.

Training of the Disabled: On Thursday afternoon next there will be given in the Theatre Royal, a lecture which will be of special interest to discharged soldiers. It is being given by Mr. Arthur B. Walden (of the Ministry of Pensions) under the auspices of the City War Pensions Committee. The subject is “Recalled to life” and deals with the training of disabled soldiers and sailors. It will be illustrated by cinematograph films. Admission is free.

Information researched by the Worcestershire World War 100 team