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Key dates over March 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 18

27th March 1918 - Diseased Women and Soldiers

Rolling casualty count: 8923

War Front:

1st Batt: The enemy attacked at 6.30 am and the Line was hard pressed, but a counter attack from the right enabled us to retake a few posts occupied by the enemy. This Line was held throughout the day after severe fighting.

2nd Batt: Lt Jones, (USA,) left for the 101st Field Artillery. Capt. Boag, RAMC joined the Batt.

3rd Batt: Batt marched to Couin where the Brigade was concentrated. At 2.30pm Batt marched to Puchvillers where it spent the night in the open.

4th Batt: Enemy very active again from 2pm to 9pm, shelling Batt HQ, Bellevue and the tracks. Weather very wet.

10th Batt: News came of relief after the Australians fought off a heavy attack by the enemy.

Home Front:

Two Deaths: An inmate of No.7 Almshouse, Infirmary Walk, named Mary Mason aged 82, was found dead in her bed on Tuesday afternoon. The neighbours not having seen her as usual during the earlier part of the day, informed the police and P.C. Lawley affected an entrance to the house and made the sad discovery. As the deceased had been under medical treatment for a long period an inquest is deemed unnecessary. Thomas Hirons, jobbing gardener, 18 Dolday, aged 68 years, was taken suddenly ill on Tuesday and Dr. Corder was summoned but the man died within three minutes of the seizure. He was an ex-soldier. The facts have reported to the Coroner.

Wesley Guild, Pump Street: Anniversary services were held on Sunday and Monday last. The preachers on Sunday were the Rev. P.R. Passmore and the Rev. R.H. Wills. The choir, with the assistance of the Guild members, rendered special music at each service and at night Miss Gladys Mound very expressively sang “He was despised” from “The Messiah.” The anniversary was continued on Monday when the Rev. W.H. Condy gave a lecture on “The Battlefield of the Somme.” He dealt with the lighter side of his work in France and the lecture was most interesting.

Diseased Women and Soldiers: It is now an offence under the Defence of the Realm Act regulations for a woman suffering from venereal disease to commit or suggest acts which may communicate the disease to a soldier or sailor. A woman charged under this regulation has the right to be remanded for medical examination by her own doctor or the prison medical officer.

Hallow Man Gassed: Pte. R. J. Etheridge, South Staffs. Regiment has been wounded and gassed. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Etheridge, of Hallow and is aged 19. He joined up 12 months ago and went to France on New Year’s Day. Previously he was employed by Mr. Williams of Hallow. Six of his brothers are with the forces.

Worcester Dispensary: The annual meeting of the Worcester Dispensary was held on Tuesday. The report of the Committee showed that during 1917, 1,069 applications were made to join the Provident Branch, compared with 1,248 the previous year. The members numbered 8,256 an increase of 251. The membership was nearly the same as before the Insurance Act, thus proving that the Institution was of great benefit to the non-insured and also to the wives and children of the insured. The continued loss of old friends and subscribers by death renders it imperative that new subscribers should be forthcoming to enable the Committee to continue the good work and to obviate the necessity of curtailing the benefits of the Institution.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team