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Key dates over March 1918

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Lives lost on this day: 43

31st March 1918 - Batt marched to Candes

Rolling casualty count: 9009

War Front:

1st Batt: The Brigade on the left was shelled out of their position east of Moreuil Wood. Two Coys formed a defensive flank along the west edge of the Wood and held it. Total casualties from the 23rd March were:

2 officers and 24 OR killed, 18 officers and 174 OR wounded and 200 OR missing

2nd Batt: Batt in working party building the Divisional Reserve Line. LTS WH Smith and EW Edwards returned from leave.

3rd Batt: Batt marched to Candes, preparatory to entraining for the Second Army Area.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team