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Key dates over September 1917

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Lives lost on this day: 15

27th September 1917 - Children’s Court held

Rolling casualty count: 7664

War Front:

1st Batt: Batt moved from De Seule camp and relieved the 2nd Batt Rifles in the trenches in Warneton Sector. 1 other rank was killed.

2nd Batt: By 7am the enemy ceased firing altogether and the remainder of the day was quiet. Batt relieved about 7pm by the 11th Sherwood foresters, when there was heavy fire again making the relief difficult.

4th Batt: Men allotted baths. Camp shelled am.

2/8th Batt: There was more shelling on the Reserve line. Weather very fine. 2 other ranks were wounded and CSM slightly wounded. Pte Taylor later died of wounds.

10th Batt: Batt moved to the Line relieving the 6th Bedfords in support. HQ at Larch Wood. 1 other rank killed and 1 wounded.

Home Front:

Worcester’s Allotments; At today’s opening ceremony in connection with the exhibition of produce grown by city amateur gardeners, held in the Public Hall, it was announced that the prizes offered by the City Land Cultivation scheme for the best cultivated garden and allotments would be presented at the exhibition on Saturday afternoon. It is well known that hundreds of citizens turned their attention to serious gardening this spring, many of them for the first time. Some took upon themselves the almost heart-breaking task of reclaiming land which had laid waste for years; others broke up old standing turf, others tackled plots at street corners which required the pick before any impression could be made, and the more fortunate turned with renewed zest to old allotments or previously cultivated gardens. The conditions differed widely and skill and knowledge possessed were as varied as these varying conditions and all that was common to one and all was a determination to wrest from the soil as much food as possible.

Conference on Economy and Thrift: On Wednesday, Mr. Chambers, the Controller of the National War Savings Committee, accompanied by Mr. Welsh and Miss Chamberlain, members of the Headquarters Staff, met the representatives of the War Savings Committee for the county and city of Worcester at the Shirehall. Mr. Chambers addressed the delegates, impressing upon them the importance of realising the danger of our having to conclude peace in consequence of financial stress and shortage of necessities. He pointed out very clearly and emphatically that the only course which would save us as a nation and the cause for which we were fighting was by each individual realising his responsibility for diminishing consumption, not only of bread, but of all other articles. Mr. Chambers pointed out that there was not enough to go round and unless there was a general diminution in consumption there must be in the future something like acute starvation. The supply of food stuffs throughout the world was largely diminished and the only way to ward off acute suffering in the future was to economise now and so eke out our attenuated supplies until the next harvest.

Children’s Court: Walter Croft (14), labourer, of Walsall, was summoned for stealing from a hand-truck on the platform at Shrub Hill Station, one pair gent’s boots, valued 25s, the property of the G.W. and Midland Joint Railway Companies. Defendant pleaded guilty. Mr. Evers prosecuted. The evidence showed that the boots were packed at Messrs. Kay’s warehouse by Kate Leeke for a man at Kingston-upon - Thames and that the accused took them to Coleman’s pawnshop and told the Manager that the boots were his own. The Chief Constable said that the boy had been given a very bad character by the Walsall police. He had stolen money from his father and had been sent to an Industrial School for four months.

The Food Problem: It was stated at the Ministry of Food on Wednesday that the bacon shortage will probably last for another two months, when importations from the United States may be expected. Not only in this country and Ireland, it was stated, but also in Denmark and America there is a greatly decreased number of pigs. The Food Controller intends to buy the whole output of India and Ceylon tea and control supply, prices and distribution. It is suggested by the Ministry of Food that the public should as far as possible use coffee, the stocks of which are high.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team