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Key dates over December 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 3

13th December 1916 - Bigamy case in Worcester

Rolling casualty count: 5093

2nd Batt: Front trenches very muddy and wet.

3rd Batt: Batt relieved by the 8th LNL Reg and moved to Brigade Reserve at Pont de Nieppe.

4th Batt: CO and Adj visited the billets and found satisfaction. Men kept busy cleaning equipment.

2/7th Batt: men were allowed the baths.

9th Batt: At 6pm the batt with the 39th brigade, advanced from cover to meet other troops at Imam-al-Mansur.

SMD RFA: Brigade HQ moved to dug-outs near Contalmaison Villa.

Home Front:

Bigamy Case in Worcester – At the City Police Court today, Alfred Hampton, alia Daniel Hampton aged 55 of no fixed abode, collier, was charged with marrying Beatrice Johns, Widow of 28 Silver Street, on August 9th 1916, his former wife Rebecca, to whom he was married in 1889, being then alive. The Chief Constable said that the man was arrested on a warrant taken out against him by the second woman he married.

War Prisoners on the Land – There was been much discussion lately on the question of employing our prisoners of war on the land. Large numbers are so employed in France, there seems to be no doubt that that many of them are very glad to have the work to do, and perfectly content to stay at it. For a long time the army authorities have been opposed to the idea, but now sheer necessity appears to have brought about a change of mind.

Information researched by The Worcestershire World War 100 team