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Key dates over August 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 3

19th August 1916 - Lord Derby to mobilise soldeirs on the land to support food production

At the Front:

2nd Batt: move orders were received at 8.0am and 4 officers were sent to reconnoitre Pommiers Redoubt. Batt marched there at 10.00am and halted on the road. Later they marched to Montauban Trench where dinner rations were issued. At 5pm, Batt marched to the Front Line and relieved the KRRC(41st Batt,) in trenches left of Delville Wood.

4th Batt: Batt relieved by 7th Royal Fusiliers during the evening. Men arrived at Asylum at 11.00pm and entrained to A Camp, Flamertinghe, arriving at

10th Batt: Batt relieved the 10th RW Reg in the same sector. All very quiet.

SMD RFA: Barrage maintained to prevent a counter attack on the ground we gained the previous day.

On the Home Front:

Soldiers on the Land – Farmer’s Poor Response to War Office Offer – It is understood that Lord Derby is taking further steps, in co-operation with the Board of Agriculture to impress on farmers that there is a real desire on the part of the military authorities to release soldiers for harvesting and kindred work. It is proposed to eliminate the Labour Exchanges from the scheme and to devise new machinery so as to bring the farmers into direct contact with the commanding officers at the various camps.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.