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Key dates over July 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 10

11th July 1916 - At Verdun, only 5km (three miles) from the city, the Germans suspend their attacks in order to move troops to the Somme

Rolling Casualty Count: 3685

At the Front:

1st Batt: Batt left Bresle at 6.0pm for Moulliers-au Bois billets for the night.

2nd batt: At 6.0am batt marched 8 miles to Morlancourt, arriving at 10.00am. No men fell out. Billets crowded and dirty.

2/7th Batt: Bathing and inspections.

10th Batt: Received a draft of 206 men from Beds and Essex Regs.

Objector Willing to go Mine Sweeping: Frederick Burd (39), 95, Lansdowne Road, a postman, said that he believed that as a Christian man he could not engage in combatant service. He felt that he could not kill his fellow man; it was contrary to the Sermon on the Mount. He would join the R.A.M.C. or do mine sweeping, if he could get a guarantee that he would not be transferred to some combatant branch. It transpired that he had been in the Army 12 years, and adopted these ideas when he left it. He belonged to the Brethren. He was granted exemption subject to joining a non-combatant corps within 14 days. The Mayor said applicant would be able to make his choice.

The only sale in Worcester where you can buy the fashionable Royal Worcester Corsets at reduced prices: At no other sale in Worcester can you get Corset Bargains like these. They are not unknown corsets made expressly for the Sales, but the famous and fashionable Royal Worcester Kid-fitting Corsets, the world’s smartest shapes. Every model is a replica in cheaper quality of one of the Royal Worcester exclusive models that cost two or three times the price. Luckily, we bought these before the rise in price. We give you the full advantage of what we saved. You cannot get Royal Worcester Corsets at reduced prices at any other sale in the town – only here, and only as long as our stock lasts- afterwards we shall be obliged to charge the increased prices.