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Key dates over April 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 1

1st April 1916 - New recruits at Worcester Public Hall

Rolling Casualty Count: 2838

At the Front:

1st Batt: batt in right of Souchez 1 Section. Weather fine and warm, sadly 1 Sgt and 8 men were killed by shell fire and they were in a deep dugout which caught fire and they could not be removed. Hostile aircraft were most active and several air-fights were witnessed.

2nd Batt: Coy practised night wiring and patrolling from 5.00pm to 10.00pm in a space near C Coy HQ

4th Batt: Batt left Torenflos and marched 12 miles in Brigade formation to billets in Bonneville-billets not good.

8th Batt: Batt holding trenches East of Colincamps with the French. Trenches subjected to constant shelling and bombardment by Minenwerfers, canister bombs and rifle grenades. Unable to make satisfactory retaliation owing to the range being too long for our rifles and a shortage of ammunition for our trench mortars.

9th Batt: Orders to march forward the next day. Hard rain fell during night.

10th Batt: Batt in billets at Brigade Reserve in Robermetz.

SMD RFA: At Bayencourt-an uneventful day.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: In trenches alongside of the Canal in Egypt.

On the Home Front:

At the City Police Court this morning several people were summoned for using headlights on motor cars. The first case was that of Albert Edward Hatcher (37) a commercial traveller who was charged with using a headlight on a motor car at The Cross. The Chief Constable stated that this was an offence under the new Lighting Order. Defendant said that he did not know that the orders were in force and had only been driving a motor-car for a week before the offence.

Recruiting at Worcester - 200 Men Daily at Public Hall

Quietly and systematically since March 8, men to the number of about 200 per day have been passing through the Public Hall; each man enters one door, and, if passed for service, comes out a soldier at another

Information researched by the WWW100 team