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Key dates over April 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 1

12th April 1916 - New Hay regulations enforced

Rolling Casualty Count: 2902

At the Front:

1st Batt: Relieved from the trenches by2nd East Lancs and returned to billet huts in Bois de Noulettes.

4th Batt: Orders to march to billets at Mailly Maillet. Weather very wet but men cheerful. Three officers and 12 other ranks on leave to England.

On the Home Front:

New Hay regulations enforced

The order recently issued by the Army Council under the Defence of the Realm regulations, authorising the military authorities to fix the prices of hay and straw was put into force at Northampton Market on Saturday to the surprise of the vendors and the satisfaction of the purchasers. A week earlier hay had made up to £8 17s 6d in the market, but on Saturday just as the auction was about to start the auctioneer was informed that the price for best hay must not exceed £6. Vendors proposed taking the 20 consignments home again, but were reminded that they would have to prove that they needed it for consumption on their farms.

City Education Committee – scheme to train student teachers

A conference on the training of teachers was held recently and submitted the following recommendations including..

That not less than 16 candidates (6 boys and 10 girls) should be trained annually in the city

That the Education Committee offer nine scholarships annually, three for boys and six for girls for the city's secondary schools, open to all children in the elementary schools between the ages of 11 and 13, the holders of such scholarships to become, if required, uncertified teachers for at least one year in elementary schools in the city or proceed to a training college or in default repay to the council the money expended in scholarship fees and maintenance grants.

That the education committee recommend the council to pay the head teachers at the elementary schools where students are trained.

Information researched by the WW100 team.