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Key dates over April 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 0

26th April 1916 - Long March for 1st Batallion

Rolling Casualty Count: 3053

At the Front:

1st Batt: men marched from Brouay to Beaumetz, about 18 miles which was hard on the men as it was a hot day. They left Bruoay at 8.30am, had 2 hours for dinner at Fiefs and arrived in new billets at 6.00pm

4th Batt: Men worked continuously on “Worthington Av,” the new communication trench.

9th Batt: Negotiations for Kut to capitulate taking place

On the Home Front:

Hereford And Worcester Show One Day Only – A special convened meeting of the Council of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Agricultural Society was held at the Green Dragon Hotel, Hereford, the president (Lord Coventry) being in the chair. The meeting was called to consider a notification from Mr Lloyd George, Minister of Munitions, in which he wrote that on no account would a show of implements be allowed in connection with the proposed show to be held at Hereford Racecourse on June 6th, 7th and 8th. The Secretary made it clear that owing to the tremendous rise in the cost of timber, canvas and all other materials necessary for a showground and the scarcity of labour, after considerable discussion it was resolved that the show on the racecourse be abandoned.

Worcester Bankruptcy- Hay and Straw Merchant’s Affairs – At the Worcester official Receiver’s Office, Copenhagen Street, on Wednesday, a meeting was held of creditors of William John Allbutt, trading as John Albutt and Co., of Shrub Hill Villa, 52 Shrub Hill Road, coal, hay and straw merchant. The causes of failure alleged by debtor were, “Bad debts and recent loss to my business in consequence of the difficulty in getting delivery of goods, especially fodder, which the Government have commandeered”

Information researched by the WWW100 team.