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Key dates over February 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 0

6th February 1916 - Zeppelins pass over Worcestershire border

Rolling Casualty Count: 2742

At the Front:

9th Batt: All ranks preparing for move with equipment and ordnance stores and a total of 4 machine guns.

Yeomanry/Cavalry: Patrols out each day to Hills 60 and 70 with magazines charged.

On the Home Front:

Worcestershire and The Air Raid - County Council’s request for defensive measures

Zeppelins passed on the border of the County at various points, and the concussion of bombs dropped in Staffordshire caused windows in some parts of Worcestershire to be broken. Some of the local authorities put pressure on the Worcestershire authorities to intern certain alien enemies who reside in the area over which the Zeppelins passed.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.