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Key dates over February 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 1

17th February 1916 - To Make Gas Mantles Last

Rolling Casualty Count: 2756

At the Front:

1st Batt: Working parties to Brisbrenier Line to drain billets.

9th Batt: Troops on board exchanged greetings with troops camped along low-lying banks. At mid-day Suez was reached. “Marathon” dropped anchor and several officers of the 4thWorcesters came off from camp of the 29th Division to see the sister Batt and to wish them good fortune in the new campaign. Then the troopships steamed away down the Red Sea.

10th Batt: Major PD Royston Pigott DSO took over command of the Batt.

On the Home Front:

To Make Gas Mantles Last

Before removing a new mantle from its box, pass a thread through the loop at the top, and carefully remove from the box by holding it by the thread. Immerse the mantle in a basin of vinegar, let it remain for a minute or two, then hang to dry. Place it on the fork, and burn off in the ordinary way. You will not only find this lasts much longer, but give a far better light; also can be lighted without a protecting glass

Bananas as Flesh Formers

According to Professor Goodall, the banana ranks first of all the fruits used as a food. It is, as a consequence, often recommended as a flesh-forming diet, and the family Doctor quotes the case of a lady whose nervous dyspepsia threatened to become chronic, who was greatly emaciated, and had given up all hopes of putting on flesh. Her doctor induced her to experiment with banana diet. She was placed on a strict regime of bananas, and nothing else. Soon, however, she grew to like them prepared by baking, and served with sugar and cream. Other variations that she found appetising were fritters and biscuits made of banana flour. Very soon she began to make daily progress, and, after a time, became perfectly well.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.