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Key dates over February 1916

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Lives lost on this day: 4

21st February 1916 - Battle of Verdun. Following a heavy bombardment, Germans launch major attack against the French intending to cause heavy casualties. Fighting continues until 18 December.

Rolling Casualty Count: 2767

1st Batt: Marched to new billets at a cheese factory at Moulin Fontaine. Heavy shelling at La Bassee heard all day. Marching discipline good considering the long time the Batt has been in the trenches.

9th Batt: Troopships passed Aden.

On the Home Front:

Alleged Drinking Among Women

Sir:- A recent issue of your valuable paper contained a very interesting report of a C.E.T.S. meeting, at which several statements were made concerning the ‘drink trade’ which were not strictly true. The figures did not show any confirmation of the reports of excessive drinking amongst women. Various people had been attracted to the subject by particularly bad cases coming to their notice, but the conclusions drawn did not appear to be accurate.

Berrows Worcester Journal 1816

We sincerely hope that some independent Member of Parliament will take an early opportunity of procuring the repeal of that most obnoxious clause, surreptitiously introduced into one of the Acts of last session, by which the quantity of home made wines allowed to be possessed by any private family is limited to 100 gallons, and in case information be given that the quantity in the cellar of an individual exceed the above amount, that the revenue officers have power to make a search and to levy excise duties on such excess.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.