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Key dates over December 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 2

16th December 1915 - Football game banned by courts

Rolling Casualty Count: 2609

10th Batt: Gas cylinder carrying party of 2 officers and 60 men provided and cylinders installed in front line.

WORCESTER BOARD OF GUARDIANS - An Interesting Presentation

A woman who applied for relief stated that for the past two years she had been doing charing work for a lady in St. John's. Asked how it was that she did not receive National Insurance payment, she said that she was not insured as she was a "casualty" worker. Several members expressed the opinion that the woman ought to have been insured, and the Clerk said that some offending employers had had to stamp cards for a long period back. It was decided to report the matter to the Insurance Committee.

CITY POLICE COURT - THURSDAY – FOOTBALL IN BULL ENTRY –George Lee (17), 10. Wellington Street; William Staples (15), 50, Carden Styreet; Arthur Jenkins (15), 37, Copenhagen Street; Arthur Yarnold (14) 6, Chapel walk; Edward Guy (14), 41, Copenhagen Street; Albert Orgee (14), 7 Court, Copenhagen Street, Labourers; Harold Montanden(9), schoolboy, 5 Court Copenhagen Street; were charged with and pleaded guilty to playing football in Bull Entry. P.C. Fisher stated he received complaints and found the boys playing football. Lee was fined 2s, and the remainder were fined 1s each.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.