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Key dates over November 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

19th November 1915 - Fundraiser for Serbian Relief Fund

Rolling Casualty Count: 2570

At the Front:

1st Batt: B Co suffered some shelling, but otherwise a quiet night.

2nd Batt: Co and Adjutant visited the trenches north of the Canal.

On the Home Front:

Worcester Robins

Dear Sir, - ....I would like again to appeal on behalf of the Worcester and district Robins for Christmas cheer.(to be enjoyed in their own homes) such as bread, butter, meat, potatoes, flour and such like, with some firing. There are many Robins and some sparrows without separation allowance; some are at school, some at work with little pay. Some are sick, some have good and some have bad parents. They suffer on account of the war with the rest of us.


Entertainment - A most delightful entertainment was given last Saturday in the church hall in aid of the Serbian relief fund. The room was crowded - over 200 people being present. Lieutenant Forester Britten kindly worked his Pathescope, and he was assisted by Mr. Steer. The Films were much enjoyed.

Information researched by the WWW100 team.