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Key dates over November 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 2

3rd November 1915 - County sets up War Agricultural Committee

Rolling Casualty Count: 2528

2nd Batt: All available men working on front line Germans reported to be lining their 2nd line parapets with fixed bayonets. Trench mortars knocked out their front line in two places. Some German deserters asked to speak to a senior officer but were only allowed over five at a time.

School case – Sarah Rose Poole, Ebenezer Cottage, North Malvern, was summoned for not sending three children regularly to school. Mr GB Joynes (Attendance Officer) gave evidence and a fine of 2s 6d. was imposed. The father of the children is at the front.

War Agricultural Committees

Mr Willis Bund accompanied by Mr Allesbrook and Mr Hill attended the first meeting of the War Agricultural Committee appointed by Kidderminster District Council. Mr Bund who was voted to the chair said his purpose was to explain the duties of the committee which were of an important character. Lord Selborne’s wish was that the committees which were to be set up in every district should ascertain what land was being cultivated for food crops and if a large amount could be brought into cultivation. The great point was that the country should produce as much food as possible and buy as little as possible. The great difficulty was shortage of labour, and the committees would ascertain particulars as to this, and it might be possible to overcome any shortage by exchange from one district to another.

An American Tea will be held at the Guildhall on Thursday 4 November 3pm in aid of the funds of the Worcester Diocesan Association for Preventative and Rescue Work. Please bring something and buy something.

Information researched by the WWW100 team