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Key dates over October 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 6

7th October 1915 - New draft of men joins 2nd Battalion

Rolling casualty count: 2459

2 Batt a draft of officers and 150 men arrived from England 2nd Lieut Bennett and Carr joined from England. Capt C H Pigg joined from 10th Battn. 10 Batt relieved the 8th Gloucestershire Regt in Brigade Reserve and was distributed as follows: A Coy to Albert Road, B Coy, 1 platoon by Albert Road and the remainder occupied the posts of Chocolate, Dead Cow, Haystack, Path, Z Orchard, Albert, Cats, Dogs, Factory.

British Women's Temperance Assoc.

Miss Stinton sang very sweetly two solos ""a light of the world"" G.E. Wells was the accompanist. Mr Masters spoke on ""the terrible evil of drink""

Soldier Invalided home. Suicide in the Severn at Stourport.

Frederick Butler, 22. He was treated for a nervous breakdown, and apparently recovered. The nervous breakdown must have affected his mind, as he could not enter into conversation and only said ""yes"" or ""no"" when spoken to

Information researched by the WWW100 team