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Key dates over October 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 0

Edith Cavell was Shot

12th October 1915 - Edith Cavell was Shot

The German shooting of the British Nurse Edith Cavell who had from her hospital in Belgium had helped many allied soldiers escape caused consternation amongst the British Public gave a boost to recruitment for the armed forces.

Photo courtesy of Cavell Nurses’ Trust.

Rolling casualty count: 2482

2nd Batt billetted in Annequin, nothing unusual happened.

Children's Court.

Throwing stones.

Anthony Mezzone (13) newsboy…was summoned for throwing stones to the danger of passengers in Wylds lane. P.C. Mason gave evidence and the boy was fined 2s.

Worcester waiting.

London sight experts visit. Mr Prout's coming the talk of the moment. A crusade of economy.

Worcester is displaying great interest in the approaching visit of Mr Prout, the famous London sight testing expert…His crusade against the high prices which have hitherto been charged has appealed to the Worcester public with resounding force.

Information researched by the WWW100 team