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Key dates over July 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

15th July 1915 - National Registration Act introduced in Britain, obliging all elgible men to register for military service

Rolling casualty count: 1597

1st Batt: In Brigade billets Rue du Quesne. Working parties supplied for defence lines; 2nd Batt: In billets at Vendin; 3rd Batt: In Bivouac near Busseboom; Royal Field Artillery: 11am the Brigade moved into Billets at Auchel. Notified that 18pr. Equipment is to be issued to the Brigade and that on 18th the Division comes under VII Corps.

A meeting of the County Cricket Club has been called to “consider” a resolution to wind up the Club voluntarily. It has always been difficult to keep the Club alive, even in the most palmy and attractive days of actual cricket. To keep it in a state of suspended animation, at considerable expense, for at least another year, seems impossible. At the very least £250 would be needed to maintain the ground and the buildings; but it may be argued that it would be the reverse of economy to sacrifice such an asset as the beautiful cricket ground is to the city and the county…It may be urged that to let the Worcestershire Cricket Ground go would be in the nature of a waste, and no form of waste can be justified, even in war times;’

French Flag Day: There was very little observation of French Flag Day in Worcester streets on Wednesday. Here and there a few flags were displayed, and a few badges were worn. A very large number of flags were sold at the Theatre Royal and at the Silver Cinema (at both houses). At several schools in Malvern there was a display of French colours, and several collectors were observed in the streets.

In the Corner: A minor incident of the Missionary Festival held in Worcester, which, for the sake of historical completences, should be recorded. It was not in the programme, but it was quiet as interesting to the spectators as many things which were formally set down. The platform was occupied by five Bishops, a Dean, an Archdeacon, a Canon, and a Baronet. One of the Bishops was speaking earnestly about mission work, when an audacious pussy cat walked calmly on to the platform, gazed serenely at the audience below, and strolled leisurely to the clerical dignitaries. She (or he) meandered among begaitered legs, and rubbed shoulders with the trousers of the lesser big-wigs. One genial Bishop, with hat cocked over his eyes to keep the sun out, smiled; others continued to look solemn, and the one who was speaking probably wondered, when he saw a smile on some of the faces in the audience, what he had said that was amusing…;

Information researched by Sue Redding