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Key dates over July 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 0

21st July 1915 - Military Pageant at Malvern

Rolling casualty count: 1608

1st Batt: Section I. Everything very quiet ; 2nd Batt: Battalion relieved 2Bn Grenadier Guards in the Cuinchy sub-section. Relief commenced at 4pm completed 7pm. Relief delayed for a short time owing to the enemy shelling the main road and entrance to the communication trench. Quiet night except for 10 minutes ‘hate’ about 10.10pm. Lieut. Daubeney and 25 men joined; 3rd Batt: Releived 1st R.West Kents in ‘T’ Sector of St Eloi Trenches. Temporarily attached to 5th Division; Royal Field Artillery: Thievres: The Brigade moved to Authie during the afternoon. 18 pr Guns and Carriages arrived during the day and were taken into use.

“Victoria Institute Annual Stock-Taking: All books must be returned, irrespective of the time allowed for reading, on or before Friday, the 31st day of July. Neglect to return a book at such a time will subject the borrower to a fine. (See rules);

Worcestershire Cricketer’s Commission: Mr. R.S. Swalwell, the Worcestershire cricketer, has been gazetted a temporary lieutenant in the 15th Battalion of the Rifle Brigade;

Interesting Event at Worcester: Considerable interest was shown in the boat race rowed between the boys of the Worcester Blind College and the Old Boys, as there has been only one such occasion before in the history of Severn oarsmanship. A number of people gathered at the Grand Stand to see the start and a large crowd assembled in the vicinity of the Bridge to view the finish, the boys and their friends having a place of honour on a pleasure steamer, moored close to the Bridge. The College crew maintained their advantage throughout with a wonderfully regular stroke, and were enthusiastically greeted at the winning post, which they passed a little over four lengths ahead;

Military Pageant at Malvern: Tomorrow there will be a naval and military pageant at Malvern, on an ambitious scale. Its purpose is not to make festivity but to stimulate recruiting and to raise funds for the Malvern Red Cross Hospital and the Malvern Belgian Relief Committee. Light refreshments will be provided on the ground at reasonable prices, and teas will be supplied at 9d each;

There are several good billets waiting for discharged soldiers disabled during the war. Application by letter or in person to Major Reddie, 16, Silver Street, Worcester;

Alderman Ernest Day Memorial: Mrs. Day has generously founded a memorial in memory of her late husband, who was for 25 years a member of the governing body of King’s School representing the City Council. A sum of £200 War Loan has been assigned to King’s School, the interest of which will provide an annual exhibition for the benefit of a day school boy in need, at the discretion of the Headmaster. The gift is peculiarly appropriate, as the late Alderman Day always showed special interest in the boys attending the school from the city.’

Information researched by Sue Redding