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Key dates over June 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 2

10th June 1915 - Wounded soldier sued for breach of promise of marrriage

Rolling casualty count: 1420

1st Batt: In billets at Le Franc’s factory in Estaires; In billets at Le Franc’s factory in Estaires; 2nd BattL Battalion in billets at Verquin (8-14 June). Battalion at Training and exercised in Respirator drill; 3rd Batt: In bivouac near Busse-Boom; Royal Field Artillery: Nothing to report, wind North, weather fine during day, rained during night.

To the Editor, Munitions: Sir, - We are hearing a great deal about munitions and the urgent need for various kinds of Army work. Why should not we in Worcester work to supply our own Worcestershire Regiments? There is a large factory vacant in College Street, and if someone would take the trouble to give us a start, Worcester people would soon do their best to see that there was no lack for our brave lads. If every place was made responsible for the Regiments bearing their name, the soldiers would soon get all they wanted in the way of munitions. ONE EAGER TO HELP;

Wor’shire Captain Sued: Miss Lily Eyton Jones, a music hall artiste, professionally known as Liley Eyton, of Bolsover Street, W., today sued Captain Edward Ludlow Porter for damages for breach of promise of marriage. ..Counsel stated that the defendant continued writing letters of the utmost affection right up to the last. He was wounded at the front and went to stay in Devonshire where he had been away with the wife of a brother officer and a friend, and had since been the co-respondent in a case in the Divorce Court. He had been condemned to pay £1,000 damages. After defendant had been served with the writ in the present action, he wrote to plaintiff asking her to stay her hand, and save him from utter ruin…The Jury, after a short deliberation, found for the plaintiff, and assessed damages at £250;

Tradesmen’s Dinner Hour: A meeting of Worcester traders was held in the Guildhall in connection with the Dinner Hour Closing Scheme, initiated by Mr. F. Webb, when it was decided to close from 1.15 to 2.15 each day, excepting Saturdays, during the period of the war. The Chairman said that they were practically unanimous on the desirability of closing. Mr. F. Webb said the Mayor strongly assented to the proposition, particularly on hygienic grounds;

Worcester Young Lady’s Loss: Miss S. Butt, of Silver Street, has received an intimation from a Corporal in a Field Ambulance that her sweetheart, Pte. G. Gardner, has been killed. The Corporal writes: “He was shot while his Regiment was being relieved from the trenches. It may be a source of consolation to you to know that his end was peaceful.” Pte. Gardner was formerly a clerk at the Vulcan Works in Worcester, and was well-known in the city. He had only been in France about a month. With the letter intimating his death was sent a photograph of Miss Butt, on the back of which Pte. Gardner had written: “If I am killed or fatally wounded please forward this to Miss Butt, 34, Silver Street, Worcester.”

Information researched by Sue Redding