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Key dates over June 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 1

13th June 1915 - Employers's pledge to re-employ soldiers and munitions workers

Rolling casualty count: 1422

1st Batt: In trenches. A draft of 1 officer and 40 other ranks arrive; In billets at Le Franc’s factory in Estaires; 2nd BattL Battalion in billets at Verquin (8-14 June). Battalion at Training and exercised in Respirator drill; 3rd Batt: In bivouac near Busse-Boom; Royal Field Artillery: Petit Pont: Nothing to report, wind NE, weather fine.

Employers’ Patriotic Pledge: Mr P H L’Estrange wrote on behalf of the Malvern District Recruiting Committee, enclosing copies of letters addressed to employers, many of whom, he said, had already signed a pledge to re-employ, after the War, any of their men who had left to serve their country under arms or in making munitions, and, in filling up positions, to give preference to those who had so served. The Council were asked to sign this patriotic pledge also. The Chairman said the Council had already decided to act on this principle, but he saw no reason why they should not sign the pledge. On the motion of Mr Woodyatt, it was resolved to do so;

The Bishop’s Message: “The time has come for the Church to speak out more fully. Many of us have followed our King in abandoning (at least temporarily) the use of alcohol. When the King led us thus he showed the fatherly qualities due from Sovereignty. But cannot we go further and abandon, at all events for a time, the miserable party politics which have proved to be so nearly ruinous to the nation? We can look back from our present unity with a shudder to the internecine pettiness of our party moves in the matters which concern both Church and State. Whether a Coalition Government will prove useful and lasting I cannot tell, but it gives us all the opportunity of whole-heartedly supporting authority in the supreme struggle. May we not assure the Government of our determination to back it in any attempt to gather in the whole service of the nation – spiritual, moral, physical – and by concentrating and disciplining it to throw the weight of all classes into the scale of victory ?”

Information researched by Sue Redding

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