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Key dates over June 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 0

14th June 1915 - Army criticised for paying low price for hay

Rolling casualty count: 1422

1st Batt: In trenches, 2 wounded; In billets at Le Franc’s factory in Estaires; 2nd BattL Battalion in billets at Verquin (8-14 June). Battalion at Training and exercised in Respirator drill; 3rd Batt: In bivouac near Busse-Boom; Royal Field Artillery: Petit Pont: Nothing to report, wind NE, weather fine.

The Chairman as a “Shirker.”: At today’s meeting of the Worcestershire County Council, Mr. Willis Bund, announced that he had received a postcard, and under his name was either “slacker” or “shirker.” He thought that the writer forgot that the supply of men in England was not so far exhausted that people over 70 were taken. When they were he would be only too happy to offer his services. (Laughter and applause);

Mr. Willis Bund next referred to the charge of the 2nd Worcesters at Gheluvelt, saying particulars of the charge and Sir John French’s great praise had been sent to all the schools in the county. He was at a Welsh dinner in London recently, when a member of the late Cabinet took almost all the credit of that victory for a Welsh Regiment. He (Mr. Bund) had something to say later, and he denied that the Welsh were entitled to anything like all the credit, basing his remarks on the despatch by Sir John French. He had found out it was true that if it had not been for the way the Welsh held a certain portion of the road and the courage which they showed the battle would have gone the other way. At the same time the Welsh would not have been able to continue to hold that position but for the charge of the Worcesters. He did not profess exhaustive knowledge of military history, but he knew of no case where orders given to an Army to retreat had been countermanded solely in consequence of the dash of one Regiment, as was the case at Gheluvelt, when the Worcesters saved the situation;

A meeting of the Worcester Branch of the National Farmers’ Union was held at the Star Hotel, on Monday. A letter was read regarding the question of the closing of the Barbourne weighbridge, the Secretary stated that he was not informed by the City Council authorities that the bridge was private property. He was also informed informally that they were endeavouring to have one placed somewhere near the Waterworks. Messrs. Philips and Maddocks spoke of the necessity for a weighbridge in that district, and the general feeling was expressed that the present position was the best one for it. It was decided to ask the City Council to have a weighbridge placed somewhere near to the present site, and also to receive a deputation (consisting of Messrs. Philips, Maddocks, Darlington, and Barnard) on the subjec.;

Army Purchasing Methods Criticised: A long discussion took place on the question of the purchase of hay for the Army. Mr. Marshall said that last April he was practically forced to sell two ricks at £3 2s. 6d. per ton. He did not want to sell it at that low figure but he was told that unless he did they would commandeer the whole.

Information researched by Sue Redding

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