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Key dates over May 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 3

14th May 1915 - Chauffeurs and Motor Drivers wanted!

Rolling casualty count: 1181

1st Batt: In billets Laventie; 2nd Batt: (12/13/14 May)Remained in billets near Windy Corner. German shells coming over at intervals each day. Our guns bombarded German trenches during these 3 days with considerable success, destroying the barbed wire in many places;3rd Batt: In billets at Dickebush;

Appeal to Local Chauffeurs: An announcement of considerable importance to chauffeurs and motor drivers is made in an advertisement appearing in our current issue. Many thousands of motor-transport drivers are urgently required for Mechanical Transport, Army Service Corps, and exceptionally liberal rates of pay have been fixed for eligible men. The pay is 6s. per day, in addition to the increased separation allowance for wives or dependents. Many of the big commercial firms and most of the railway companies in the country have voluntarily given up to the War Office their staff of motor drivers, and in a great number of cases the railway motor services have been entirely discontinued. It is hoped that a considerable number of chauffeurs in private service may now be spared in response to this special call from the War Department, and in that neighbourhood there ought to be found willing to join this most important branch of the service;

Worcestershire Motor Ambulance Fund: Sir, The original request to the Mayoress of Worcester for a motor ambulance has been responded to most liberally, and, with the generous assistance of many ladies in the city and county, enough money has been collected to provide and maintain two motor ambulances from Worcestershire. The result to date is £352 2s. 1d., and heartfelt thanks are tendered to all who have in any way helped in the cause. Agnes Leicester;

Old Lady’s Fatal Accident: An inquest was held as to the death of Mrs. Mary Parsons (92), Dr. Walpole Simmons said he was called to Mrs. Parsons, and found her lying on a sofa in a room in 30, Dent Street. He was told that she had had a fall. On examining her he found that she had a broken knee cap. He put her leg in splints and attended her up to Monday, the day of her death. Death was due to confinement to her bed. At her age death generally resulted from confinement to bed…A verdict in accordance with the doctor’s evidence was returned.

Information researched by Sue Redding