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Key dates over January 1915

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Lives lost on this day: 0

4th January 1915 - London Stock Exchange reopens for the first time since the outbreak of war

Rolling casualty count: 571

1st Batt: La Gorgue ‘B’ Lines: Corps Reserve Billets; 2nd Batt: In billets at Richebourg-St-Vaast, very cold and wet. ; 3rd Batt: In trenches E. of Kemmel.

At Norton Barracks: On Sunday morning, because of the heavy rain, Col. CM Edwards, with this customary regard for the men’s comfort, cancelled the usual church parade to Norton Church, and in order that the King’s desire that the day should be specially reserved for intercession, a service was held in the YMCA hut instead. There were 230 men present, the officers of the Depot occupied the platform and Col Edwards himself conducted the service;

An interesting military wedding took place at the Church of St Martin’s-in-the-Field, Charing Cross, on Saturday , when Cptn. Eustace Maude, 26th Punjabis, Indian Army, who is now serving with the 10th Battalion Worcs. Regt., was married to Christabel Morris;

It is suggested that some compensation for losses in war will be improved national physique through the military training of so many young men. Perhaps physical deterioration may be stayed by another result of the war – improved feeding. In connection with the Queen’s Work for Women Fund, marketing has been added to the curriculum at the domestic economy training centre for unemployed girls. Under the charge of an older woman, experienced in what she calls “baiting” (bargain-hunting), about 6 girls go out each morning to buy food for a dinner for the 40 women who come to the dining centre from the neighbouring workrooms. The shopping party has 10 shillings to spend on the day’s menu and they go to the shops or stalls to shop, and are taught to pick out fresh-looking vegetables and sound fruit, and to be careful to shun “bad boilers” among potatoes. The different pieces of meat for various ways of cooking are pointed out to them, and they are shown how to distinguish between English and frozen meant. The girl who cannot tell a scrag from a breast of mutton earns the scorn of the others. Afterwards they cook what they have bought, being open to the criticism of the dinner customers. The girls, who once bought hard meat, have never forgotten it. With this practical instruction it is possible to believe that the recipients will make better wives than would otherwise have been the case;

Given away every week with the “Berrow’s Worcester Journal,” a Picture Supplement printed on art paper in book form containing pictures of local events and portraits. If bound together at the end of the war the Supplement will form a valuable record of the year’s events. Cases for binding may be obtained at one shilling each.

Information researched by Sue Redding