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Key dates over December 1914

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Lives lost on this day: 1

13th December 1914 - Details of new rules on Separation Allowance

Rolling casualty count: 551

1st Batt:’A’ Lines: Maj BKW Bacon was shot in the side of the head and killed. 23rd Brigade in trenches. Relieved by 2nd Middlesex Regt who had great difficult relieving owing the the muddy state of the trenches. Battalion marched by companies to La Gorgue; 2nd Batt: In billets at Bailleul. Received orders to be ready to move at 1 hour’s notice any time after 9am the following day; 3rd Batt: Locre: In billets.

Alteration in Army Separation Allowance: The separation allowance to families of privates serving in the Army are, under the latest Orders, altered to the following scale: The husband allots 6d a day, and in addition the wife receives 9s a week. If there is one child 11s 6d is given, two children 14s, three children 16s 6d, four children 18s 6d, and for each additional child 2s a week is allowed. Under this scale the wife will not be in receipt of a larger income. The difference from the old scale is represented in the fact whereas previously the husband made an allotment of 1d a day for each child (up to three), they will now be paid by the Government instead of being deducted from the soldier’s pay.

A Set of Furs: The Mayoress has drawn ticket No 148 for the set of furs given by a lady. £4 has been given to aid the Mayoress’ local fund, and £5 for comforts for the soldiers. A Kidderminster lady was the winner. Two hundred tickets were sold at 1s each.

The annual meeting of the Worcestershire Cricket Club was held at the Star Hotel this afternoon. Lord Cobham moved the adoption of the report, which showed that the Club was now out of debt, and he said that this was the most satisfactory financial statement presented since the inception of the Club. A sum of about £300, in addition to the offers of the professionals and the other First Class counties, had been guaranteed, and this sum would be sufficient to tide the Club over the suspensory period of the war. There was practically no chance of any county cricket next year.

This weekend the Worcestershire Yeomanry are moving by road about 40 miles south of their present billets to another town near the coast. The journey is calculated to take a couple of days, and the Regiment will put up for the night at a village about halfway to their destination. Leave, which was being granted to the men, has been cancelled until they are finally settled down.

A Club for the wives and mothers of soldiers and sailors is to be opened at 59, Broad Street, next week. There will be facilities for reading, a writing room, and members, who will have to pay only a half-penny per week, are invited to take their needlework there. Music is to be provided. Lady Hindlip is acting as Hon. Secretary, and Mrs Goatling and Miss Beale are among those who are assisting.

Information researched by Sue Redding